James Last Benelux Club
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James Last Diskografie

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Non stop dancing 9

Media Land Nummer Titel Bemerkungen (Hilfe) Coll
__E_U_R__ __________ Original Album 033 Updated : 18/08/2022 _1969 K9
lp DEU .249 354 Non stop dancing 9 CB: Photo JL = b & w/ LAB: NO ' * '/ M1
mc DEU .911 227 Non stop dancing 9 SP ' * '/ LAB: ' * ' @R/ M1
mt DEU 3621 049 Non stop dancing 9 4 Track Stereo/ M1
lp U.K .249 354 Non stop dancing 9 Cov wPics/ M1
mc U.K .911 227 Non stop dancing 9 Cov wPics/ M1
lp U.K .249 354 Non stop dancing 69 Vol. 2 CB-RD: Mfd by … MacNeill … London S.E.1/ M1

Non stop dancing 9

a0101 Ballad Of John And Yoko
a0102 Green River
a0103 Count Down
a0201 Lieber heute geküßt
a0202 Er steht im Tor
a0203 Nacke-Di, Nacke-Du
a0301 Honky Tonk Women
a0302 Proud Mary
a0303 Oh Happy Day
a0401 In The Ghetto
a0402 Don't Forget To Remember
a0501 Aquarius
a0502 Let The Sunshine In
a0503 Hare Krishna

b0101 Twenty Five Miles
b0102 In The Year 2525
b0103 Dynamite Women
b0201 Bad Moon Rising
b0202 Always Tuesday
b0203 Give Peace A Chance
b0301 Saved By The Bell
b0302 Je t'aime moi non plus
b0401 Love Me Tonight
b0402 Heute so, morgen so
b0403 Starparade
b0501 Dizzy
b0502 Everyday People
b0503 Mendocino

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More Info _____ (p) & (c) MLM-JLBC
b0202 Always Tuesday [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ J.Last ]
a0501 Aquarius [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ MacDermot/ Rado/ Ragni ]
b0201 Bad Moon Rising [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Fogerty ]
a0101 Ballad Of John And Yoko [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Lennon/ McCartney ]
a0103 Count Down [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Reichel/ Dostal ]
b0501 Dizzy [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Roe/ Weuer ]
a0402 Don't Forget To Remember [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ B.u.M.Gibb ]
b0103 Dynamite Women [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Sahm ]
a0202 Er steht im Tor [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Zeeden/ Bradtke ]
b0502 Everyday People [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Stewart ]
b0203 Give Peace A Chance [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Lennon/ McCartney ]
a0102 Green River [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Fogerty ]
a0503 Hare Krishna [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ MacDermot/ Rado/ Ragni ]
b0402 Heute so, morgen so [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Schmidt/ Loose ]
a0301 Honky Tonk Women [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Jagger/ Richard ]
a0401 In The Ghetto [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Davis ]
b0102 In The Year 2525 [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Evans ]
b0302 Je t'aime moi non plus [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Gainsbourg ]
a0502 Let The Sunshine In [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ MacDermot/ Rado/ Ragni ]
a0201 Lieber heute geküßt [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ W.Last/ Loose ]
b0401 Love Me Tonight [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Pilat/ Panzeri/ Mason ]
b0503 Mendocino [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Sahm ]
a0203 Nacke-Di, Nacke-Du [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Gietz ]
a0303 Oh Happy Day [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Hawkins ]
a0302 Proud Mary [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Fogerty ]
b0301 Saved By The Bell [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ R.Gibb ]
b0403 Starparade [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ J.Last ]
b0101 Twenty Five Miles [ 1969 Potpourri ] [ Bristol/ Starr ]

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© James Last Benelux Club
Ontwerp en realisatie: Johan Le Maire - Updating: Marc Le Maire